#UltimateKarooExperience – or better known as the annual limited-entry Lormar Endurance Mountain Bike Tour.

This unique 3-day mountain bike Tour kicks off with 100 purebred Arabian horses galloping past participants as an opening ceremony! Stage 1 offers a Night Ride into the Karoo sunset followed by a Karoo lamb “spitbraai”.

Day 2 awakes riders to farm noises of chickens, turkeys and horses around the tented village at Fairview. Stage 2 takes riders on a 70km journey past the beautiful Compasberg to the quaint village of Nieu Bethesda where they spend the day enjoying the artistic town, it’s people and little shops. During the afternoon riders are treated to a “Pub Ride” to the local microbrewery to enjoy a free beer as part of the package. The Tour with it’s 250 riders and spectators will spend the night in tented accommodation. Stage 3 takes riders through a nature reserve where zebras, kudus, springboks, wildebeest and much more wild life can be spotted from the bicycles as riders make their way back to Fairview farm. Upon finishing the Tour, each participant will receive a locally made “windpomp” as finishers medal.

2017 will see 500 participants over a duration of two back-to-back tours. The Lormar Endurance MTB Tour’s main goal is to create awareness of the spectacular Karoo, it’s people and to provide participants true “platteland” hospitality! The Tour benefits the local community in many ways by booking out all guesthouses in the area, purchasing tour meals from the local supermarkets, bakeries etc and providing more than 2000 man-hours of work.

Urban Goat is excited to manage the sixth Lormar Endurance MBT Tour in 2017!